teaching tools…

we have spoken of teaching tools
such as
Creator and Created…
Father and Son…
teaching tools until you could
come to that magical place
of knowing you are God….

the art of forgiveness…

all of these lessons of allowance
have been to seduce you..
to lure you…
to enlighten you into
that you are god…

as you have allowed forgiveness
to permeate your “mind”
you have come to see that
all that you witness each day
is an out picturing of your mind…

that there is only “thought”
appearing in many forms…

you and you alone
are responsible for your own
out picturing….

the one and only area
that you are responsible
for is
your mind…

forgiveness has birthed innocence…
yours and that of your
other selves
who have danced for you
in response to your “thoughts”…

in claiming the innocence of
all things
it is revealed to you
the innocence of your temporary thought
of being separate from that
which I AM

and I AM GOD…

you are God…
you are Abba…

you are a cosmic master
an artist of expression
and yet while you find yourself
here in time
you are the paint brush

the paint brush that moves
as the Artist directs it…

knowing all along
you are the Artist…the brush
and the picture you paint….

the first step in reclaiming
that which you are
is to see all of your creations
as innocent…

to use the body only for one thing…
as a communication device
to extend the good…the holy
and the beautiful as the
would direct you…

ponder this deeply today
dear one…

there is nothing in this “world”
that can add to you
or take from you…

you are God…
plain and simple…

appearing as a body
whose only purpose is to
remain in an empty state
and move as the Christ Mind
would direct you…

that mind which belongs to no one
yet which all one’s share

there will be many who will
doubt these words…
yet this one
who is now simply a conduit
of the Mind of Christ
knows these words to be true….

and that itself
is enough…

there is no other way
dear one…
there is only the letting go of the dream
you have constructed in error
that kept you convinced
you were separate from Me….

when you allow that belief
that you were “ever” separate
from me
to dissolve into the nothingness
that birthed it

you are free…..

now…you walk as love directs…
you assume responsibility
for your thoughts and your actions…
you simply surrender into that
which I AM

you come to me
empty….depleted of any desire..
any needs….any thing other
than extending this love
wherever you find yourself
to be…

and where else could you possibly be
but with ME…..


peace be with you always



please feel free to send these words out wherever
you are so guided…
there need be no acknowledgment given
accept to the one who lives within your very self…