Thursday, September 24, 2009

the ascended ones

the ascended ones
i have found myself to be in a "space of learning" with the ascended ones
it is about the free energy and the fluidity of our new now...
it is about becoming one with the cosmos again...........
it is very different than my experience with the Jeshua energies...
those energies lead us to this I AM presence........yet as i am hearing
these "remembered techniques"................they seem to leave....
they do not stay in my memory..........which tells me that they are
changing me on a level that is not of the "mind"....
it moves thru the akinae.................the I AM PRESENCE..........
we each have 144 strands of dna.........the christ dna........
that dna is what our scientists have called "junk dna"
it is that place from where we "sing".............................last night i heard
music coming from within me.................a gentle tune i had never heard before...
so i am allowing and flowing with this....
as i see how all the books have come into fruition i am reminded of how
we create in  the real world...................blending our energies..........
we have no "names" labels.............we simply are
so................there it you so............have a beautiful day
beautiful Michael............angel michael.............denisa
also..............this akinae is within us...............we are creating a "free internet"
within us where all will show up as needed simply by our desire..........
there will be no money or exchange.............that is of duality...
we can sing a poem within then will show up in the world
i am learning a little about this.........
however..............the last 2 nights the training has stopped...
so............we will see.............................

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeshua

    i feel the energy of peace
    in your every word
    among and thru each sound
    in the pregnant spaces
    of your messages
    i feel the calm
    i feel the love
    i know myself
    as one with all
    i bless the signs
    of nature's fall
    and watch illusions veil
    reveal miracles' wall
